The Promise of Pain

I’ve heard two things are guaranteed in life: death and taxes. I'd venture to say we can all add pain to that list. I've yet to meet a person who hasn't endured pain. It's here. It's around us. It's caused by us. It's within us. And, while we may make decisions that have painful consequences -- we don't often choose our tragedy and we rarely feel prepared for it.

The most beautiful thing about any trial or tribulation -- the painful moments that last minutes, hours, months -- is the showing of your true strength. The demonstration to ourselves and those around us that we can survive. We will survive. And, maybe for the first time ever, we will thrive. It's the promise of a better tomorrow that perseveres through the pain.

Pain is such a part of this life. And, while we may not choose our tragedy, we most certainly choose how we show up and how we survive it.
The most important thing I've learned:

Rely on God -- for all things, in all things, before you think you need to. Not sure how? Start with time and thoughts.

Your thoughts become beliefs. Your beliefs manifest into your life. Your thoughts become things. We all think -- but what we think and how we think can totally change how we feel, what we do and ultimately, our life. So, give yourself the gift of time -- time to read, listen, learn, absorb. Notice how just a few minutes makes a huge difference.

Put on the Armor of God long before you need it friends. It's the most important lesson I've learned this year.

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